name: Daniel Evan breiner
usual username: watahbufala, watahbufalasheyp or possibly imnotedgyiswear
age: 15
pronouns: he/him-they/them
birthdate: august 9th 2001 2:15 pm
birth place: northern california usa
current residence: cork Ireland
sexual orientation: ????
race: white from ireland, germany and the united kingdom
personality type: enfp
mythological role: seer of void
alignment: neutral good
Hogwarts house: ravenclaw
zodiac: tropical leo, galactic cancer, rising scorpio, moon aries
political identity: leftist libertarian (economic: -5.13, social: 6.92)
enneagram: 6w7
temperaments: melancholic
fandoms: homestuck, yume nikki, gorillaz, scott pilgrim, jhonen vasquez
symbols i associate with myself: the ankh ☥, obsidian
characters i project myself onto: the drifter, sollux captor, canti, lain, marceline, ramona flowers, scott pilgrim, micheal cera in general